I {HEART} The Beach Challenge!
This challenge is to make a layout abut how much you love The Beach and why. And I don't mean that place where you get sand in your shorts ~ I mean this web community. So tell me, why do YOU love The Beach?
For this challenge I had something in mind but when I saw these papers My thought changed. It korny but i thought "the beach is so cool its out of this world"!!
January 2010 Crop Resolution #1:
The first challenge is to make a layout without using any black, white or grey.
For this challenge I created a page of Jose's godson on his 4th birthday. Which was a few years ago.
January 2010 Crop Resolution #2: Quit DrINKing
The second challenge is to make a layout without using any ink
This page I used a photo from our family photos we took back in sept. I love this picture.
January 2010 Crop Resolution #3: Spend More Time with Family
The third challenge is to make a layout about your family.
For this challenge I used another photo from our family photos.
January 2010 Crop Resolution #4: Work Harder
The fourth challenge is to create a layout using a technique you normally avoid because you find it difficult or too much work.
For this challenge i used a super cute picture of mateo..... what I did that i tend to advoid is embossing on my layouts.
January 2010 Crop Resolution #5: Fit into My High School Jeans
The fifth challenge is to make a layout about high school {or college or grade school, if you prefer}.
I used the only picture i could find. I thought it captured my personality (back in highschool) very well. I was such a girly girl. I always had my hair done makeup on....but i still was able to get dirty with the boys. This picture brought back so many good memories! I loved highschool days.
January 2010 Crop Resolution #6: Invest Wisely
The sixth challenge is to make a layout using a tool you just "had to have" but don't ever {or rarely} use nowadays.
I had to have a sewing machine to sew on my cards and projects. i never use it!!
I love them all... the one or family is my favorite!!! man I gotta send you all the pics of us from high school!!!
*of family (hee hee typo!!)
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